Tracking pixels are placed on every digital consumer to follow their digital footprint online, mobile, email…
They collect data to match the Persona and Geo-demographics that match the target audience.
Ad space is sold to the highest bidder who then serves creative ads designed to motivate people to take action.
This information tracks user behaviour and conversions. Using the data collected from past behaviour of their customers, tracking pixels help marketers make good decisions on their future marketing and media.
Pixels and Cookies are different primarily because of where they are stored and send information to. Cookies are saved to your own browser and can be turned off and disabled by you. More users today are blocking Cookies therefore the data collected is incomplete or not available at all.
Tracking pixels are designed to send information to servers and are small snippets of HTML code buried within a web page or email that are very difficult for you to turn off or restrict. They are camouflaged into the background of a website or email so users cannot see them. Tracking pixels (also called pixel tag) can follow you across devices and Cookies cannot.
Tracking pixels can capture a broad range of data for analysis including;
When using tracking pixels in emails or digital newsletters, marketers can track open rates, open times and IP addresses. After analysing the results, marketing campaigns can be adapted in the future to be more relevant and include more interesting content, very specifically aimed at the user. The more data collected, the more power the marketer has to make informed decisions.
All of the information collected by tracking pixels combined with your Persona and Geo-demographic information builds your user behaviour profile and helps marketers develop targeted campaigns.