What is Digital Optimisation?
To stay competitive, businesses with a strong digital understanding and marketing strategy will benefit from the power of the internet to attract and nurture new customers.
Digital marketing campaigns will increase a company’s online presence. That said, businesses need to ensure their website, content and social are healthy and up to date otherwise they will lose potential customers and the digital marketing campaign is wasted.
Businesses who make regular updates and posts on their website and social channels (Facebook, Instagram & LinkedIn) will have a healthier digital profile and look like they are still in business when people do their research on them… and they will! Here are a few questions for you:
- When did you last search for your business name or services online? Where did you rank organically on the search result?
- How easy is it to find and then navigate your website?
- How responsive is your website?
If your business has been recommended or referred by someone the first thing that person will do is conduct an internet search for your business, visit your website and read reviews.
Understanding how to use 3rd party platforms to serve advertising and search results to the selected groups of people is a skill.
Complex technology is behind how people are identified, and based on the profiling results of the database analysis, they can be identified and served information, content and creative that is specific to them, on the platforms they are using.
Digital Optimisation involves taking a holistic and proactive approach to your digital strategy. It involves several key aspects and an attitude of constant evolution not perfection.
- Have you ‘used’ your website like a new person would?
- How intuitive is your website, how easy is it to navigate?
- How simple and clear is your website? What do you offer? What are the benefits?
- Update content regularly – at least once every week
- Track progress and goals with Google analytics
- Optimise your website organically using SEO SERP results to see where you are placed among your competitors!