Hyper Hub Profile Module

Hyper Hub is an intuitive, multi-user database analysis and marketing software program.

The six modules of Hyper Hub all link and communicate with each other in a live, online environment that you can access on any mobile device.

Hyper Hyper Marketing Email Marketing Acquisition Marketing
Hyper Hub Profile Module by Hyper Hyper

Database persona

Profile Analysis

Watch the responders to your campaign activity, plotted in real time in the Profile module of Hyper Hub across all devices.

Live viewing helps marketers make sure the responders are your target Persona and also in the correct geo-demographic area.

The Hyper Hub Profile module also uses the Australian Bureau of Statistics household persona data to further profile your databases and campaign results. 

Why is profiling important?

Knowing who and where your customers are helps marketers find more of the same

Profile analysis of your database shows demographics, location, preferences, interests and other metrics and is automatically plotted in the Profile Module of the Hyper Hub to give insights in the form of a persona for marketers to understand the make-up of their database.

Every contact who responds to your digital marketing activity is automatically placed into an Australian Bureau of Statistics mesh block range

As this happens in real time, it allows marketers and media buyers to track that responders meet the persona you are looking for, or make changes if required.  

Profiling analysis and Persona creation

Australian Bureau of Statistics and individual profile response

Each mesh block contains the profile description of people including:

+ Relationship in household by age by sex

+ Family composition

+ Labour force by age by sex

+ Industry Employment by age by sex

+ Occupation by age by sex

This establishes the quantifiable persona profile of your database or the campaign and where to find more of the same.

Persona’s are a good starting point, but needs more definition to show what makes a person tick and the motivators making them want to purchase.

Hyper Hub campaign microsites provide the individual understanding and the psychology behind their experiences and lifestyle.

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