Hyper Hub Database Module

Hyper Hub is an intuitive, multi-user database analysis and marketing software program.

The six modules of Hyper Hub all link and communicate with each other in a live, online environment that you can access on any mobile device.

Hyper Hyper Hyper Hub Database Module
Hyper Hub by Hyper Hyper Database Module

Database Module

Manage your multiple databases  in the Hyper Hub and keep all your records up to date and accurate. 

Easily search for contacts, add notes, update profiles, add photo’s, record history, and engagement levels.

See where every contact is on the Purchase Cycle and see graphs of the activity with your website, portals and emails.

The Hyper Hub Database Module shows you the analytics of your data, broken down into easy to understand graphs which help you in sales and marketing decisions.

Why are databases important?

Databases hold the key to the success of your business

Your customer or member information in the Database Module also links directly into your website and publishes information as soon as it is updated and saved! 

Each contact record in your database displays every communication that you send and how they interacted with it.  

Did they open emails?  When?  How many emails in total?  What time of day is best to communicate?  What other digital activity did they respond to?  

How much money have they spent with your company over time?  What is the Lifetime Market Value of each contact?

The Hyper Hub Database Module tracks and provides all the database analytic information you need as a marketer to make the right decisions.

Data mining and predictive analysis helps segment your prospects and customers or members and increases the response rates that you have when communicating with them.

The Hyper Hub uses a defined set of rules to plot every single contact record along the Purchase Cycle so you know exactly the status of your database at any given time.

The Hyper Hub Database Module also displays an Estimated Economic Value Opportunity over time so you know how much money your database is worth to your business.

Hyper Hyper Marketing Purchase Cycle database

Database Profiling and Nurture

Behaviour analysis through a network of actions

We look for patterns of behaviour from past prospects and how they proceeded along their path to purchase in becoming a customer.

A network of actions, tracked and analysed, to be used as a formula to guide the customer through the predetermined customer sales cycle.

As a digital & database agency, Hyper Hyper has always included the collection of contact data as part of the success of a campaign.

Our campaign microsites are designed to feed the responses directly into your database on the Hyper Hub platform and plot them along the Purchase Cycle for ongoing nurturing.


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