
Hyper Hyper delivers events that create brand connections.

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Hyper Hyper Event Planners have over 15 years creating and delivering memorable and creative events. We are aware of the impact each event has on prospect and client relationships.

Including live events in your multi-touch marketing campaign strategy will help accelerate the prospect to customer journey.  A live event will strengthen the personal brand connection and support digital campaigns.

We enjoy building imaginative events and memories that guests will associate with your brand for years to come.

From the moment your guests receive their invitation the event experience starts. We understand the impact your event, and every detail, has on the brand. And we take this responsibility seriously. A poorly planned event will leave a negative brand perception and could therefore affect ongoing business.

Creative Concept

It’s important to develop a creative concept that will resonate with your audience and achieve the event goals. We will collaborate with you and produce creative theming and design.

Event Planner

An Event Planner will work with you to develop the design and flow of the event. Every aspect will be considered so a memorable and original event experience is created.

event Marketing

Our events are supported by a broader marketing campaign to increase the touch points and ensure successful connections are made.

Attendee Management

The guest list and all event communication is managed using the Hyper Hub event management software.

Vendor Management

Your Hyper Hyper Event Planner will manage and coordinate all 3rd party vendors for your event. This includes caterers, technicians, florists, performers, stage set-up and guest speakers.

Hyper Hub Event software

We have developed event management software for managing attendees, RSVP lists and sending event campaigns. Customers can access the Hyper Hub event portal at any time and see latest RSVP numbers and event details. 

Memorable & Creative

Hyper Hyper Events

“The level of our success is limited only by our imagination and no act of kindness, however small, is ever wasted.”

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Hyper Hub by Hyper Hyper Event Module
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